
Parents, 未来的学生 enjoy 希德 CC Thursday Night Lights

RAYMOND – Keeping moms and dads happy is part of the deal when helping 未来的学生 choose a college. “There’s so much to offer here with all the programs available,”…
BY: Danny Barrett Jr.

RAYMOND – Keeping moms and dads happy is part of the deal when helping 未来的学生 choose a college.

未来的学生 and faculty visit

尼古拉斯Demarest, center, 布兰登的, talks with Laurie George during the Thursday Night Lights recruiting event. With him is his mother, Colleen Demarest. (希德 Community College/April Garon)

“There’s so much to offer here with all the programs available,” said Colleen Demarest, 她和她的儿子, 尼古拉斯, a Brandon High School senior, at this year’s Thursday Night Lights pregame recruiting event Oct. 10. “It still feels close and friendly here even with all that’s here.”

Talking business with faculty about their child’s education comes just as easy as the fellowship, 坎迪斯·加罗尔说, 克林顿的, 他的女儿, 茱莉亚•乔丹, brought fellow Clinton High School classmate 艾拉Ballenger along to check out 希德’ offerings.

“This is very organized,” Garror said. “There’s lots of information at each table.”

The annual recruiting event is a chance for 未来的学生 and their families to find out about the college’s academic transfer programs and more than 80 career and technical program options. 教师 and staff in booths set up across from Joe Renfroe Stadium offered an array of information on housing, BG真人, honors program opportunities, and the college’s multitude of other activities outside of the classroom.

未来的学生 and Connection student

蒂芙尼字段, 左, and her son Ryan Fields, 克林顿夫妇, speak with 希德 Connection student Glyn Heath, 也是克林顿的, during the Thursday Night Lights recruiting event. (希德 Community College/April Garon)

“Thursday Night Lights is a great event for high school seniors because they get to meet so many 希德 faculty and staff members. Guests receive a lot of information about 希德, but we also have a lot of fun,凯瑟琳·科尔说, district director of 注册服务. “We kick back and relax, enjoy a special band performance, and cheer for the Eagles at the football game.”

The information students receive from faculty often help put a wide range of interests into sharper focus as they transition to college-level studies.

“I’m pursuing music and vocal performance,莱恩·菲尔兹说, 克林顿的, a senior at Christian Academy, attending with his mother, 蒂芙尼字段. “Music allows you to be expressive, whether happy or sad.”

Katlyn·莫兰, 杰克逊的, a senior at Mount Salus Christian Academy, looks forward to lively discussions in her upcoming college classes in topics such as law and political science.

“I like to know the ‘why’ with certain issues,” Moreland said. “I’m inquisitive and like to ask questions.”

For more information on what 希德 can offer to upcoming high school graduates, go to http://x9w.themindbehind.net and click on the 应用 Now tab, Cole said.