
Employment opportunities abound at job fair

RAYMOND — Charles Granberry, 特里, knows what he wants out of his career path and is already making contacts. “I’m in computer science and looking eventually toward working in…
BY: Danny Barrett Jr.

RAYMOND — Charles Granberry, 特里, knows what he wants out of his career path and is already making contacts.

“I’m in computer science and looking eventually toward working in cybersecurity,” Granberry said as he joined about 250 fellow students visiting tables at the 2021 Jobs for Eagles fair in the 雷蒙德 Campus courtyard.

Career and technical fields such as electrical, construction and automotive work were represented at information stations set up at the outdoor setting, along with recruiters in the public sector and several representing foodservice outlets.

“I’m looking for the best welding job, onshore or offshore,” said Brittany Steele, 吉布森港, who visited recruiters with friend Derrick Turner, 的尤蒂卡, also a Welding Technology student at 希德.

Recruiters representing 39 companies and entities showed up for the event, said Robert Allen, Work-Based Learning Coordinator for the college.

“Due to things like the extended unemployment benefits in the wake of the pandemic, there are a lot of job opportunities out there right now,艾伦说, noting the availability of signing bonuses of up to $1,000 available for prospective pizza delivery drivers, depending on the location and national chain.

肯尼斯•贝茨, 杰克逊的, has narrowed his plans in school and the workforce to aviation or auto mechanics.

“I want to just find the best available jobs right now, though,” he said.

Several students already committed to a career path also visited the event, mainly to exchange ideas and information on available jobs.

“I’m an ag major and want to be a farm consultant,” said Autumn Hilderbrand, of Yazoo County, who made a point to visit the Koch Foods table.

学生, alumni and employers interested in locating jobs or employees may call Allen’s office at 601.857.3728或浏览 www.collegecentral.com/hindscc